A productive day… IN GAMING!

Happy Halloween y’all!
Looks like tonight we’re going to have kids either knocking asking for sweets or egg being thrown on our doorstep… Hmmmmm…
After a long day of work yesterday, I come home to a text indicating confirmation to fire up my Xbox 360 to play Battlefield 3 but this time with one of my gaming buddies, Trish! Not long after, my brother Tim joined the party and all there was on the mic was singing and screaming however, made the game funnier and exciting; made me start singing to Chris Brown’s Turn up the music or Psy’s Gangnam style! Good times…
It was so hilarious with all the terrible parking and driving into pillars with either a tank or a car… But our teamwork was awesome! Although the beginning of the game, was slow with the kills, I adjusted and became synchronised with Trish and Tim.
Again, I died so many times but this time, killed much more than yesterday and I was on top of my team’s leaderboard which was a proud moment for me leading with a score of 12K… Mind you, the opposing team’s leaderboard was very different so I won’t go into specifics…
After we played Gears of war 3 but didn’t play much of that… Just ended up playing team deathmatch… This game, I ended up falling asleep whilst Tim and Trish were talking over the mic then woke up with Trish saying ‘Ron! You still there? Gone a little quiet’! That was where I decided that I’ll end my gaming evening there.
With all this multiplayer experience, I didn’t bother with setting up my PS3 to play Uncharted 3! And now today is the release of Assassins Creed 3! I’ll probably go to purchase it after work! (If its not sold out!!) 
Lets see how I feel tonight…
I spoke to my good friend, Lyndsey, after the games and we spoke about how we missed all the Skype sessions we used to have but now disappeared… Since then, there have been too many issues that we can’t even talk… Missing the laughs and jokes we once had…
Yesterday, it was one of the days she was herself… It was good…
Always good to cherish these moments before it goes bad again…
Since last night I slept quite late (1am), I did not do any programming however, I did wake up to do some coding but not as much as I planned to. I sat there with fingers on the keys with Titanium just waiting for me to type, all I did was stare and the brain trying to work it’s magic but the cogs were not turning… Hopefully, I will have better luck in development tonight…
I’m beginning to feel like everything is returning to normal again…
I always loved gaming but lost my way years ago… I have so much catching up to do!
I hope I can continue to keep my passion in gaming going as well as keeping my friends close… The social part of my life is also improving and I don’t want to let go of it… 
I’ve opened new doors that I have always ignored!
To be fair… I’m so glad everything happened the way it did…
Discovering myself and trying new things was definitely something I needed to do…
Thanks to all of you that made this possible!

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