End of the world? What are you saying?
A conversation took place about the end of the world at work with theories thrown into the talk. But despite upon the hypotheticals, no matter what the situation arrives on the day, the question narrows down to just the one: “what would you do?” This was a difficult question but I had one answer which immediately came to mind! Give “her” a call to see if she is ok. I question myself why but its absolutely my only instinct I feel is certain… But what do we know? Even if its a hypothetical, it doesn’t necessarily mean we will do that particular action. As I’ve discovered, we talk, but having it executed is a new story… Although there was one guy who was persistently thinking logically and not answering the question directly, I wonder what he would do… Seriously! (You know who you are…).
In general, thinking about what can happen is terrifying. What if it really does happen? What if my life is about to end? Have I done everything to accomplish what I need to do? I always keep thinking there is tomorrow but what if tomorrow didn’t come? I regret many things but I know for a fact that my friends and family have supported me. I guess if I had the opportunity for my last day to live, I would find everyone who listened to my story, and thank them for everything. And no… Facebook is not genuinely the way to express these feelings… Telling these specific people is very important and must be said in person… They gave advice, they shared their stories, they led me to where I am today. But more importantly, I want to thank my 6 year relationship. She really taught me just how simple life can be, how easy it is to just feel, to appreciate, and to give… And today… I have learnt to never give up! Even if it means the end of the world is approaching us…
My mind is cramming full of thoughts. Releasing my words on here just displays a log for me to read back on. Maybe when I am in a better place in the near future, I can look back at all of it and just smile… Sometimes, I just want to head down to the fortune teller and find out my fate but knowing the end of a movie is not what life is about. Just following your instincts and hoping they are right is the only way to live… Pretty difficult to predict at the heat of the moment if you ask me… This is my way of living and whether it’s right or wrong, it becomes either a burden to my history or a positive step! People can provide some form of advice but just for direction. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to take it. Never turn your back on those who are trying to help… If anything, thank them. They don’t expect anything back, just the mere thought that somehow, they made a minor difference in their lives…
Life can be complicated but don’t over complicate it!
Appreciate one another… Communicate…