Ever wondered whether you are being forced to follow a line?
From experience, hearing others or myself complaining is where I have gathered a general opinion towards this matter. This post is not to fix this issue but more along the lines of pointing it out and in hopes that the universe will turn it around…
Lately, its been a zombie-like life. Maybe because its just the fact that I am working from a 9am – 6pm job, coming home and feeling drowsy to do anything else. Its strange but before, I could stay up until 3am, wake up and be ready for the next day. It has not been the same for quite some time… I even get a little annoyed with myself just for sleeping early!
What is this sudden eagerness in myself to try force to do something productive?
However, this is not just me... There are a few others who also suffer the same issue. But this all comes down to a simple thing called scheduling… Recently, I have felt a little stressed just trying to think what I need to do on a day to day basis and even though its only 7 items or so on the list, just the mere thought of it creates a stress ball in my head. But when I jot it all down on my notepad, it feels like that stress ball dissolves!
In my opinion, there is no quick way to step out of this line but my best solution is to prioritise yourself. It doesn’t sound hard but it really is what it is. For me, I just need to schedule my time towards the things that really matter to me.
But of course, the answer doesn’t lie in scheduling. An issue can also be the fact that others do not want to take risks but it means you need to be a little spontaneous. One thing that is worth watching and can be inspirational is Yes Man. However, watching this film didn’t mean that I changed my style immediately… It took me a while to jump into this field. Basically, I came to a point where I was stuck and wondered to myself what I should do next. Then a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to try out this club. I wasn’t much of a clubbing type so I almost said no to this occasion but it turned out I asked myself what do I really have to lose if I go? And with that question answered in my head, I replied with a positive YES! I think that when I did this, I opened my mind a bit and without any regrets, I am absolutely glad I did that. Just makes me want to do more.
I can’t speak for everyone but I can say that sometimes, you need to get out of your comfort zone in order to find out what you really enjoy!
Find yourself…