
Creating mistakes can be so easy… Some are plain obvious and some are hidden. Question is how do we know a mistake is coming? Let’s analyse…
Mistakes are made when a certain action is done but then it is followed with a judgement by either yourself or someone else right? So in that case, why do we allow ourselves to consider it a mistake? 

We are our own worst enemy!

Some people say that they don’t live in regrets but truth be told, I think we all have one or more regrets if you analyse it carefully. But don’t let it destroy the person you spent building. Lying to yourself just means you’re living a life in denial
Personally, I cannot sit and say I am a perfect person. I just feel as though there are people who are just so afraid in making that “mistake” which could be the very same opportunity that could make you a stronger person. If someone is telling you that you can’t do something, don’t let them take you down! It’s your life and even if you make that wrong turn, at least you tried.
I am still trying to learn this methodology. As days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months, I keep ending up in a spiral however, as I write this, I feel optimistic that I may just turn it all around in an instant… Nowadays, I use these mistakes to analyse why others judge them as mistakes.
I don’t know about you but I’d like to redefine that very definition to a positive meaning rather than that negative vibeEasier said than done but if we are given second chances, then let’s change it!

I suppose what I am trying to get at with this post is that life is tough when people judge you and you are taken down from their comments when really, it doesn’t matter at all. Sometimes, they can be right but if you take all judgements to mind, it can take a big chunk of spirit from you!

Everyday is a day worth experiencing to its fullest…

Remember… Mistakes are allowed to be made because that is what defines you… 

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