I have a million thoughts in my head so why does my current thought land on the one I least want to think about?!
So this morning I wake up with a smile… Why? The visual creations developed randomly in my mind completely shocked me by surprise!
It was an illustration that brought me back to a life where everything was all so perfect… But now disintegrated into thin air that I cannot piece back together!
The setting was when we were still together and we bought a house. We were living in the house we always wanted, plain and simple. We were happy; talking, smiling, laughing, closeness… It was the one place I was truly happy.
The rest of the dream was a blur because that’s how I see our relationship… I wish I could bring it back! But how?
If YOU are reading this… Please tell me where we are…
Ok… I’m done… Lets move on…
So yesterday, I finally pressed the power button on my PS3, signed in to PSN and unwrapped the plastic cover from the game I wanted to play most… Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception!
This game is amazing. I haven’t played a good game since Max Payne 3. The climbing, the puzzles, the combat and the storyline, truly something different from what I usually play.
I felt a bit of Zelda elements in the game but in a realistic environment… This is probably why I enjoy this kind of game.
I’m not very far but will keep you posted.
So I watched 2 DVDs: ‘Due Date’ and ‘Lee Evans: Live at the O2’.
‘Due Date’ was an okay comedy and worth watching. I wouldn’t say it was the best but to see the star of Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. act with the odd but funny actor from The Hangover, Zach Galifianakis was a combination that I would never miss (funny that I missed it at the cinema though)… Overall? I give it a rating 4/5 in my opinion…
Lee Evans never disappoints me! The amount of laughter that came out of me was too much! Always wonderful to see him perform. Basing upon real life situations into some comical sense is sheer genius!
Rating on this without a doubt 5/5! I recommend this guy to anyone, ANYDAY!
It has been such a long time since I stayed home and catch up on everything!
I really enjoyed it…
I should do this more often to do productive stuff in terms of development and gaming to further myself for the career side of me. I owe it to myself…
Career… What will I be doing in the next 10 years?!
Due date: great comedy!
Yes it really was 🙂