Another day…
It was a very crammed evening and felt all so rushed last night. There was a random call from Lyndsey, sending an invite for Battlefield 3 to Trish and trying to fit some development work all into one day!
I received a call at 8pm after my dinner from Lyndsey.
It feels like we haven’t had this kind of conversation for a while. I rather missed it…
We tried to Skype video chat but that did not work. It’s because she was on the O2 dongle stick picking data very slowly so we decided to keep it as a phone call instead…
We spoke like old times; not caring about the world, the randomness…
It wasn’t much though as I was trying to fit my development work into the mix so I was half talking, half coding which is not part of my wheel house. However, I made an exception since lately, I have been putting more effort into my production log and less socialising!
My friends are worried as I have been quiet for the past few days but I guess I have been distancing myself but not purposely… Surely they understand….
The call lasted until 10pm since I reached out to Trish and asked if Battlefield was still on… IT WAS! So my goodbyes came out, the press of the end call button happened, followed by the press of the power button on my Xbox and that’s my queue to talk about gaming!
Trish and I have been putting off gaming for a while now. There were so many excuses such as ‘Xbox live expired and need to renew it’, or ‘my net is not working’ but not last night… It was the time to release stress into the 3D environment…
Unfortunately, the game was a little bit rubbish. This is all due to the mic issues! Trish was talking but then cut off mid-sentence… The teamwork would have been great but again, the voice was needed! We were not synchronised at all! This is how much we needed the connection to work!
The game lasted until approximately 11.45pm. That’s a short game as I would usually play longer than that!
I tried to stay up longer to do some development but my mind was firing blanks so I decided to call the night at 12pm…
In the morning hitting the computer at 7.30am to quickly cram some dev before heading to work.
I added some JQuery to do some fade in and out animation on several dividers regarding the header banner.
Since I only had 30 minutes or less, I achieved this goal but just one issue… It seems that one of the images are not being detected in the queue of images specified. Probably something easy but I’ll look more into it tonight…
Gaming, social and development all in one day?! Geez!
I am completely wiped out as I type this blog post on the train to work… But it is better to do something productive than nothing. All I’ve been trying to do is spend each day and be proud of the way I use it and so far for the past week and a bit, I’ve been successfully doing just that!
I hope this flow does continue but I will try a little harder to keep in touch with my friends because at the end of the day, they did help me without them even noticing…
Please understand that I am not distancing myself from you guys… I’m just getting hold of reality again…