The familiar icy roads…
Feels like Christmas? No… Reminds me that time is flying faster as usual and what do I have to show for it…? A bunch of experience but zero in the personal projects. The year is approaching to an end. However, I feel next year will be the year of inspiration and motivation! Why? Because all this recovery process was not for nothing. For the past month or so, I have been given an incentive… And it is up to me to execute it all. Although life is short, we do what we can.
So my evening was rather unproductive but I did get to try out Nintendo Land which is kind of nice. Tim has been trying to get me on the Wii U since he got it but I felt motivated to do my projects so I declined for the entire weekend. But last night, I felt like I ran out of energy so I thought I would give it a shot. We played only for a bit though because I felt like I needed to push myself to not be lazy but maybe I should have just let the night flow instead of forcing it…
So the first game we tried was Pikmin… It was one of those adventure games going from room to room, scene to scene… About 10 minutes in, I was already bored. So we changed to the mini Zelda game packed into the Nintendo Land package. This was a better game. It was addictive as we were coursing through the stages involving teamwork. The person with the game pad is the bow and arrow whilst the others in the team hold the normal Wii-mote are the swordsman. I wasn’t fussed or more importantly, I was drained of energy that I think swiping my sword around was the way for me.
I got tired after a while so ended up back in my room just trying to force myself to get some stuff done but my eyes told me otherwise. Not long after, I gave up and called it a day…
Since I had a long night the night before, I just needed to take a bit of a break so I’ll continue this evening and see how it goes.
Something tells me developing will not go as planned. Lets see how it goes…