Well, no development work done but at least something…
In terms of the project, I have now added some email addresses to segregate the email flow. The domain just makes it feel official that we are starting something great! On top of this, I also added a Twitter account for recognition as well as for the feed; another place of communication… The domain and Twitter is currently private until John and I decide to make it public… However, we are far from done and probably there will be a separate blog for this particular project but I will continue to log my stuff here as it is personal experience that is important to me…
So after doing these small things towards the project, I decided to fire up my Xbox again starting a game I bought a while ago, Deus Ex: Human Revolution. This game starts with a whole load of talking and giving us an idea of how the environment. It was obvious that they were just panning the camera around to show off their 3D developments and animations. Mind you, it reminded me of Half Life 2; slow beginning but packed with action! Later into the game, hell breaks loose and you, Adam, are to head to the facilities and find out what the cause of it all is. So meeting with my first enemy, I died approximately 6 times! Why? Because the controls were so annoying and the sensitivity of the analog was extraordinary slow. However, realising this, I changed the sensitivity level to high and that was all good. But the issue remains in the controls. Trying to get used to it per scene of enemies, I pretty much died in all of them at least 3 times. Frustrated, I had the urge to continue and strive to play since it may just get better and I think it maybe that my comparison to COD: Black Ops 2 and Battlefield got in the way… Speaking of Black Ops, I gave up playing Deus Ex since Karjun invited me to play! Now this was awesome! Karjun, his mate and I all played and me dying so much, I began to start effing and blinding at the screen… About 2-3 games in, I was about to announce that it was my last game but Karjun insisted that we continue until we get a good score… And with that being said, that was the best game I’ve had since I got the game! Now it makes me want to play tonight. But lets see how it goes…
Jumping into bed, I called Lyndsey to see how she was. It was actually such a fun and happy call. The talk ended up very long indeed but a good laugh was what she needed most. I think I delivered… We spoke about a great deal like we did before. How did it all get so complicated? We don’t even talk as much anymore… But I understand she has her things to do so it’s good.
Life is so complicated but sometimes, small gestures like playing games with friends or just talking with them over the phone can relieve so much stress.
Appreciate what you have…