Sorry is a powerful word… Using it where it is right is the hard part… Some people just say sorry because they want to escape a certain situation and there are other times when people genuinely mean it. Overusing words can happen without them knowing! But using it less can lead another to question… This world is so tricky! Lately, my friend has been in a spiral. Sometimes the silence is so awkward but is necessary for them to use that time to think. I could have continued to talk but it feels like they’ve somewhat heard it all before. I guess the best way to get rid of it was to take them out and take their mind off it! Wrong move I made… But I’m sure they appreciate my presence or even the thought of me concerned for them…
Wow. A game of badminton! That’s definitely a good start to the new year! Finally some exercise! I haven’t played in so long but it was good. Loads of laughs. There was unfortunately 3 players but one couldn’t make it due to unexpected circumstances… But we made it work. There was one vs one… Then two vs one… And kept swapping like that. It was a great set of games and we plan to make this a weekly event. If we continue this way, I can improve stamina and reflexes! I’m really glad we started this. One thing I need to improve on are my smashes! Always ends up at the end of the court… But I can understand why… Roll on next week!
Coming home from a normal day of work has been tiring… The way how my focus is just not present is frustrating. Every evening, I’d like to accomplish some lines of code but instead, I end up just staring at the screen and doing absolutely nothing and watching random YouTube videos! I need to get out of this routine and getting a little more serious! Is this how it will be this year? I have started on something though throughout the week. It has been very slow. I hope this weekend, I’ll achieve something. Usually on Fridays, I’d go out but since nothing has been planned, maybe I’ll use this evening to execute something productive! Lets see…
So it’s getting so cold in London and as I heard, next week is going to be the week for snow. Something I do not look forward to! With all the icy pavements with the possibility of slipping… Not nice! But hey, I’ll start throwing snowballs! That’s going to be awesome! Since I moved into a house, the heating has not been great! My room is always cold making me not want to do anything!
So lets see where I end up in the next few days. Will it be a good weekend or a bad one? I sure hope that it will be a weekend I spend well.
Nice post Ron! Don’t you worry, I’ll be part of the next badminton game.. will kick some ass! I hope you spent 20 min on you know where last night.. if not then you better do it tonight! 😀
LOL! Kick some ass? Please don’t make me laugh! :p. And unfortunately, I did not spend any time on it as I have been very busy lately… I’ll try be on it tonight! :/…