I need to straighten out my thoughts and having at first, I had the thought that being in the present was what was important but then recently, it hit me… I need to start thinking real and stop kidding myself. I had a closer look into my finance, my career, my family, my friends… Basically everything that makes me… ME…
The conclusion I pulled out from this train of thought was that financially, I am stable and given this job, I could save much more but this year has been a complete mess! But like I said previously, I don’t see it as a waste but seeing that things have calmed down, I can finally prioritise as to what is important; that means investing money if it benefits me to excel in what I want to do in life…
Career wise, maybe it is not what I want to do entirely, but what I can do is enjoy it as well as try to get the most out of it before moving onto something that could very well be a challenge. I thought to myself once that if something is not going right, at least I should sort out my career choice…
For family, it turns out I should spend more time with them seeing that I’ve kept them in the dark about myself for a while and the fact is that I should start opening up instead of keeping it to myself…
Finally, friends… They’ve got me quite far and without them even realising it, I’ve gotten over quite a few points in life where I thought was over. They made me laugh and enjoy what I’ve never experienced before.
From the looks of everything in one go, it looks like everything currently balances out so far. My focus is currently finance and keeping my social experiences. Career can wait a while but I will keep a look out for stuff that will interest me… However, if I was to ask myself if I was happy about it, I’d answer it negatively… I can say that I am starting to develop a new me… An organised and productive me…
So lets wrap this up, I cannot see what is up ahead but I can say that I have put a little thought into my life and I can say that I feel a little better just feeling like I have an aim of some sort…
Lets see how this goes…